Will Nipah become an epidemic for the world?

Will Nipah become an epidemic for the world?

The health department states that there is a risk of the ‘Nipah’ virus spreading from bats coming to Sri Lanka.

Although the Nipah virus is not as serious as Covid-19 (Covid-19), people in countries around the world have died due to this virus.

The Nipah virus, which started in India, has now spread to Bangladesh, Singapore and the Philippines, according to foreign media.

Nipah is a virus that infects humans from bats and pigs and then spreads between humans.
Doctors say that.

High fever, vomiting, respiratory infection are the symptoms of this and doctors also say that if the virus gets infected and the condition worsens, it can develop until brain swelling.

Nipah virus was first identified in 1999 in a pig farm in Malaysia.

According to foreign sources, the cases of Nipah virus in India were reported from the state of Kerala and so far five cases have been found in Kerala.

Kerala health authorities say that the relatives of those infected with the virus will be identified and tests will be conducted to find out if they have also been infected with the virus.

The World Health Organization has issued warnings that Nipah is a virus that spreads among humans very quickly.

Further foreign media reports that two deaths have been reported due to the Nipah virus.


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